Thursday, December 27, 2007


Be sure to watch the side-by-side video, comparing the original Home Depot $25,000 contest entry with the "newly edited" version in which Home Depot allowed them to remove FOUR contest rules violations AFTER the contest was over, just to keep them the winner. That and much more as you scroll down.

First of all a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who is linking this blog or the YouTube version of our "side-by-side" proof video. We've had hundreds and hundreds of people checking out this issue. Please keep up the effort! Has anyone tried a letter-to-the-editor in their local paper yet? Let me know what works!

What happened on Christmas Day? Well, in yet another stage of "damage control", Home Depot/IMRE Communications finally deleted this comment from their YouTube contest message board, regarding another video to which they actually applied their rules (gasp!).

On December 24th, it was there... Christmas Day, gone (along with many other user comments). What do you suppose was going on? Maybe a corporate inquiry on that day to see what kind of absolute mess Home Depot/IMRE has made of this? Scrub the "really bad stuff"? Don't worry, we have copies of everything. The other Christmas "Miracle"? Home Depot decided to close down their "feedback" message boards forever, attempting to shutter the discussion without ever addressing the immense outrage that swelled into the threads. "Nothing to see here, please move along". Happy Holidays from Home Depot, indeed.

Be sure to read the following post and take action!